• Image of Muertaco

Muertaco. A flour tortilla wrapped around a filling of tomatoes, limp salad and ground beef. Ground beef. I always assumed that ground was the past tense of grind but after undertaking reconnaissance around the taco industry I have uncovered that in truth, it refers to where the meat was found. On the ground. Why do you think it's in the genus of street* food? Everything is clicking into place, right? It's not even cooked, just picked up and thrown in there. Nobody is even sure where it originates from. Await my exposing documentary uncovering the horror of ground beef on Netflix in the coming months. Tell your friends.

There's only 65 of these hombres in the box and they'll never be remade. They're around 27.85321 mm wide, struck as ever in hard enamels and have been expertly pushed with love and attention onto custom backing cards at an ungodly hour by their creator's own fair hands.

*Street = part of the ground. Ground beef in street food. They're toying with us!

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